Rotary Bangalore Midtown and Ahimsa, Chennai will plant 10,000 saplings each in Bangalore and Chennai over the next 12 months, as part of Nokia's mobile waste management initiative. The Nokia Take-Back recycling program was launched in India on January 2009 across the cities of Bangalore, Delhi, Gurgaon and Ludhiana. As a part of the program, Nokia committed to plant a tree sapling for every handset dropped, irrespective of brand or model, into one of its recycling bins. Within the first 45 days of its launch, the collection exceeded 3 tonnes of waste including 10,000 handsets, according to the company. Nokia now intends to extend the campaign to over 15 cities in phases in the next few months. Globally, the Take-Back program has successfully been rolled out in 85 countries.
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