1. Website Spark : It’s for small IT enterprises. Microsoft provides them the tools needed for Designing and development for FREE!. There is no upfront cost for first 3 years. Terms and conditions do apply, but they seem to be obvious For eg : You need to deploy a website before 6 months, renew your subscription after few months, etc. Above all, it is for all budding webmasters!
2. Biz Spark : To me, bizspark.com is extension of websitespark.com. Fundamentally it is for Tech startup’s that need support and visibility. This one is meant for all techno-preneurs!
3. Dream Spark : FREE software’s ( like Visual Studio professional! ) for students. If you need a key you can write to me at paras@parasdoshi.in.
4. Microsoft Student to Business : To bridge the gap between Industry requirements and Student’s knowledge. The website has list of Job and Internship openings of various tech firms. it’s for all those who dream to be corporate czars!. if you register on s2bprogram,com, my referral code is : paras.
Keep sharing!