1 - You must take care of your cell phone (telephone cellular) as if it were your personal wallet. The best way to avoid being liable with fraudulent charges is to do everything you can within your means to avoid unauthorized calls in the first place. Check the user guide that comes with the phone set and start using the lock or password feature to prevent any theft from making unauthorized telephone calls. There are ways to get around the password, but you will probably buy you some time, until you realize the loss of your mobile phone and call your phone service provider.
2 - Call your cell phone (telephone cellular) service provider as soon as you discover the loss. Report your missing / stolen device and be sure to record the date and time you called your phone carrier, the name of the person you spoke with and what you have been informed. Also take note of the state and region of their call center, plus their telephone extension number. Finally, ask for written confirmation that the device has been disabled. Some companies can even email it to you.
3 - File a police report. It may not be much of a help to get your cell phone (telephone cellular) back, but it should provide an official record of the missing / stolen mobile phone. Keep the police report number available while reporting the loss to the phone carrier. Also you can initiate an investigation with your carrier if necessary. If you do not get an immediate response by working directly with your cell phone (telephone cellular) company, do not waste any more time. Contact your phone carrier and request an immediate investigation. Usually a formal request for an investigation will prevent formal collections made by the phone carrier, not to mention that might delay reporting to all credit bureaus against the phone user.
4 - When requesting an investigation, let your phone carrier know that you must fill out a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), your state Attorney General `s office, and your state` s public utilities commission (PUC). After taking these steps, the phone carriers will most likely pay more attention to you when they become aware that you are a consumer. According to a 2006 AARP / ROPER cell phone survey, half of all mobile phone users aged 18 years and over, report not knowing whom to call in case their mobile phone carrier is unable to resolve a billing / service problem for users satisfaction. Beware that the FCC will forward your complaint to your telephone service provider, requiring a return from them within a month.
5 - Contact your attorney general `s office. According to their website, the State Attorney office investigates complaints about cell phone fraud and contract disputes. This office has lawsuits against phone companies based on phone user complaints, resulting sometimes in refunds to consumers and new agreements that cell phone (telephone cellular) service providers on behalf of their mobile users. Also contact your state `s PUC. Each state has a government agency, usually called utility Commission, which monitors consumers' problems with phone companies.
A missing or stolen cell phone (telephone cellular) may become a major problem if the user does not take immediate action. Lodge a formal missing / stolen report together with the mobile phone service carrier and government customers the necessary steps should be taken to ensure that he does not want any more casualties. Get to know your rights as a consumer, and make sure any losses that you want, in case of missing / stolen cell phone (telephone cellular), the mobile phone itself.