The three boys grinned and ran along pushing their bikes up the steep little mountain road in western Colorado in the early morning to a perfect, warm summer day in August. Fishing rods over their shoulders, Gordon, Mike and Steve also up the hill towards the old coal mine. The unfolding peak marked the upper end of the road, known as "Coal Road" by the locals in this small town of Paonia, Colorado. In these boys' book about the represented kick off point for adventure and another of the better trips that any child could ever hope for. The boys left their bikes behind near the mine, and set out across the country, after the game and cow trails through stands of oak and sage brush and cedars. Across the larger marshes near the top of the hill they finally hit an old overgrown logging road that led up over the ridge east of the mine and also into the next canyon.
The next canyon held a real jewel of Colorado, claiming the title of Terror Creek. Really a wonder that the three boys who had slogged for hours over the hot dusty ridge. Terror Creek offers some of the finest fishing we've ever known, the things that fishing legends were made of. Let a whoop at the first sight of the river far down in the bottom of the gulf, the boys burst into a run. Parting from the overgrown path, they chased each other down the steep slope, again after the game trails that led them through the canyon's pine forests and thick brush. Finally breaking out of the brush was on the narrow rocky banks of the raging mountain stream as it cascades from one boulder to the next. Behind and around each of these rocks - a deep pool of cold Colorado mountain spring water was filled with wild trout.
It was incredible days fishing, wild, furious Terror Creek, as near Paonia, Colorado, and yet so far away and remote that it took hours tramping over the dry dusty ridge. To their delight for the whole day was spent bait and re-bait the hook, adding yet another big catch for the fishing bag. In an almost legendary scale, broadly all in a deep, swirling pool showed a second strike by a trout eager to seize a delicious treat for it is a nice dinner. There are few pleasures as hitting a backcountry Mountain Creek, where trout are not alert to continually fishermen.
Of course, there was such a long trudge home from the backcountry fishing adventure. Fortunately, when the ridge was topped for the return route back was a downhill run, and the boys had their bikes to expedite their return. And oh, the wonderful fish feast that followed the day after each trip over to Terror Creek.
Treasures like Terror Creek was discovered in all directions, as we rattled around on our bicycles in the little mountain valley Paonia in western Colorado, exploring every canyon, creek and pond. Of course, the fishing changed over the years, as these childhood memories took shape, as the local population and visitors in the region has grown. Ah, the field but in the shadow of Mount Lamborn, with a view of Mount Gunnison up Minnesota Creek - we could have sworn we lived in a small corner of Shangri-la.
There are still so many directions to explore back in ravines and woods around Paonia, Colorado area to find some solitude, good fishing, and a deep drink of the most spectacular mountain back in the lower 48 states. If you ever have a chance to slip back to this quiet little neighborhood that does not go up. Head up North Fork of the Gunnison, explore the shops and neighborhoods of gentle Paonia, and then head up canyon to the Paonia Dam, KeblerPass, Muddy Creek, the RaggedMountains - bring your fishing rod and enjoy all the wonders found there. As you make your plans Colorado, check out Colorado Trail and National Forest information we have created to help Colorado explorers. We can ensure you set up in some perfect "base camp"-style accommodations in the vicinity of Delta, over in Montrose or down in Grand Junction.