Only recently they found out that internet search are positively influence on a brain's activity of elderly people, activating key centers of brains, which controls logical processes of mind. The most interesting fact is the regular internet search stimulates neuron actively of brain in those parts where it is detached while a common reading. Significant results of researches in this area give a hope to have a positive physiological effect and potential positive results from computer technologies in working with middle age and elderly patients.
The internet search can simulate brain activity, to train and even to improve its functionality. The simplest exercises of internet search (but regular) can increase brain activity even for elderly people. As you know - the ability of human brain to learn has no age limits.
They also found out that computer online games can decrease the danger on roads! How?
Recently one American company made an experiment: they sent one hundred thousand of game sets to clients between 50 and 75 y.o. Those PC games supposed to improve keenness of observation, to train memory, an eye sight and so on. The results were astonishing! 10 hours spent in playing similar computer games return the brain's sensitivity on 10 years back, including eye sight. So the common thinking that the human brain reaches it's peak and after with passing years getting weaker is wrong, because with some certain regular exercises you can keep your brains in a good shape.
Just like a body our brain needs regular exercises and care. Besides all what was said above - computer games improve a hearing, helps to get rid of fears, develop some skills for kids.
Though, "too much" is not good for anything, it concerns computer games and internet as well. To spend many hours every day playing computer games or chatting with friends will give an opposite result. So, know when to stop!