“Siamese fighting fish.”
Originally dark colored fish living in the rice paddies of Siam (now Thailand), selective breeding has developed the vibrant and colorful fish sold in American pet stores today. These fish are perfect for beginners, as they are extremely hearty and entertaining when they flare their fins. But who knew they offered lessons on office leadership? Follow along to explore the negatives and the positives when it comes to being an office “beta.”
The Bad
Betas don’t play well with others
Beta fish don’t work well with other fish. They have to have their own tanks and can’t be put with other fish. Beta fish, when included in aquariums with other fish, are aggressively dominant. If they are forced into an interaction with another fish, they’ll kill it—or at least beat it up until the other fish is severely distressed. They will become the “Alpha Fish” at all costs, and create a culture of fear within any tank housing any other fish besides the beta.
Think about your work environment. Does one of your superiors or co-workers act like the “beta fish” at the office? Does he or she assert dominance in every situation? A quick way to figure this out simply is to ask, “How many other employees has this person made cry? Are the majority of people in our office scared of this person?” Finally, ask “Does this person work well in teams, or are they overly aggressive when it comes to ideas and decisions?” These are good ways to figure out if you are dealing with an office “beta fish.”
They Freak out when threatened
One of the attractive things about buying a beta fish is their tendency to “puff up” when threatened. I’ll admit, I’ve enjoyed putting my finger up to the side of the tank to watch ZoZoBo puff out his gills, beautiful fins, and tail to display his impressive size and beautiful colors. The reason behind this is because he feels threatened by my finger/a mirror/anything that looks like it could be another fish. He is extremely territorial, and is willing to fight at the drop of a hat if he feels threatened.
How do your managers react when they feel threatened by people, ideas, or situations? Do they automatically “puff up” and become aggressive and defensive? Or do they take a moment to assess the situation and use others’ input to come up with a sensible solution? Good managers won’t react like a beta—they will logically determine the best answer using the resources they have around them—including other people.
The Good
They are curious and observe the people around them
Betas are curious creatures. They like to observe the things around them, and have been documented by beta researchers (sounds like an interesting job…) to “watch” their human caretakers. They can even be trained to respond to basic hand motions, i.e. Human holding their hand over the tank= I get food so I need to come to the surface. While simple, these observations can be seen as extraordinary for fish, which on average have a 10-15 second memory (or so my biology teacher told me).
Thinking about your management team, do they observe their employees? What about your organization’s culture? Could they tell you the name of the intern in the corner under the staircase? What about the current state of your secretary’s ailing mother? Or how your coworker likes his coffee in the morning? A little bit of observation goes a long way. Connecting to people by knowing specifics about their life, likes, and dislikes will allow you to create more meaningful bonds as well as evaluate their strengths, weaknesses, and productivity.
They can Survive Pretty Much Anything
I had a beta fish in college. This thing lived through everything—and I mean EVERYTHING. Its bowl was located next to a window that got frigid in the winter and very warm in the summer. I dropped it into the sink when I was changing its water. My boyfriend at the time dropped it a second time while I was changing its water. One time I accidentally filled its bowl with hot water instead of room temperature water. This fish also regularly made a 7-hour road trip up the East Coast whenever I needed to go home—usually he looked a little pale afterwards, but he always bounced back. One time I left it at school over a break, and it survived. Basically, this thing was SUPERFISH.
How well do your employees bounce back after a crisis? Can they handle unusual situations, or do you as a superior have to step in to ensure chaos does not ensue? You want employees who can weather the storms of the economy, office life, and the industry. Sure, they might need a little recovery time after a crisis, but they should be able to regain their color and come back with knowledge that will make them more vibrant employees than ever.
The fish that inspired this post
We’ve enjoyed our time with little ZoZoBo, and are still entertained by his antics. There is something relaxing about watching a fish—albeit an aggressive one—swim around. Maybe your office should invest in a beta; not only is it a great way to zen out your office community, but it’s a daily reminder of how and how not to act in the workplace.