Leadership--Or lack thereof-- In the BP oil spill...and what we can learn from it

 By now, news of the BP oil spill crisis has managed to permeate every major media outlet in the United States, and for a good reason.  We are currently dealing with one of the most devastating ecological disasters of the last 100 years, and there seems to be no end in sight.  BP’s ill attempts at handling the situation have faltered on every front, from its slow public response, to actually stopping the spill, to constantly downplaying the scope of the problem.  What could have been done differently?  What should the “leaders” at the helm of the crisis do next?

Admit mistakes—Full disclosure is the key in such a large-scale crisis.  We know what happened; you are at fault.  It doesn’t help anyone or anything to speculate the causes or potential issues caused by the environment, the workers, or technology.  In situations like this, the overarching organization takes the blame. 
In BP’s case, Tony Hayward, CEO, told the BBC that even though they reaped the benefits from their rented rig, “This was not our accident … This was not our drilling rig. This was not our equipment. It was not our people, our systems or our processes. This was Transocean’s rig. Their systems. Their people. Their equipment.”  Even with revelations that point to the lack of crucial safety devices, BP’s resistance to follow government safety protocol, and permit violations, Hayward still maintains that this was not BP’s fault…which just makes everyone angrier.

Don’t run away—In the same vein as admitting responsibility for mistakes, BP cannot simply run away from the problem.  The choice to avoid responding to the crisis is comparable to a borrower “ignoring” calls and bills from debt collectors; eventually, the bills will add up, and someone has to pay for it.  Admittedly, this disaster is a PR nightmare, but a company such as BP should have an effective plan of action in place in case of such an emergency.  In a time of 24-hour news cycles and instant information, more than a day is too much for responding to any sort of crisis.

Be sensitive—People have lost their lives, family members, and livelihoods because of this oil crisis.  Billy Anderson, father of victim Jason Anderson, lost a son when the oil rig ruptured.  Local businesses, some generations old, are closing for the season or scrambling to find ways to deal with the potential losses accrued by the spill.  The world is watching and listening closely to everything BP does and says—which means there is no room for slip-ups. 
Hayward made such a blunder when he said, “We're sorry for the massive disruption it's caused their lives. There's no one who wants this over more than I do. I would like my life back.”  Such a remark, meant to convey the fact that he too is affected adversely by the spill, came off as insensitive, selfish, and heartless.  Even under great emotional stress, company officials must make sure they are aware of the subliminal tones behind any public (or private) remarks.

Learn from your mistakes—This is not the first time that BP has faced a crisis in the United States.  In 1999, BP was fined $22 million for dumping hazardous wastes on the North Alaska Slope.  In 2005, BP’s Texas City refinery exploded, causing 15 deaths and more than 180 injuries. BP was blamed for mismanagement of the plant, and OSHA said they found "organizational and safety deficiencies at all levels of the BP Corporation.”  The list continues on, but the point is clear: BP failed to learn from its mistakes in mismanagement and bad leadership.  Instead of hiding from the past, companies must face previous mistakes as a challenge that must be overcome and corrected.  Even if future mistakes cannot be totally prevented, they can at least be handled in the best way possible. 

BP has a long way to go.  They are attempting to correct their mistakes, but the situation would have been much less disastrous if BP leaders had managed their subordinates properly and created receptive lines of communication.  Instead, BP’s leaders are floundering around and hoping for an easy way out, while their low-level employees are caught helplessly in a vicious cycle of blame from neighbors and friends.
