She said, hello mister! (video-chillin-smoothie-time!)

Decided to take a few days off and just enjoy the summer, besides I'm suffering from a serious case of "NOinspiration!!!1" so drawing and designing for my Etsy shop is .. well.. not going too great. But I'm hoping to be opening on the 5th of July with a 5 picture series of fashion illustatrations. Fingers crossed!
Here are some pictures from yesterday, and a little video me and Annu did the other day. Oh and you need to try this milkshake-smoothie-thingy! You just need milk, a bit of yoghurt and some ice. Put them all in a jar or somewhere with a lid, and shake for a minute or two.. and there you have it - a delicious icecold smoothie-shake-thingy. Decorate with some cherries or strawberries and don't forget to share the love. Enjoy!

(I used CanonEOS 400D and 50mm lens for the pictures, Olympus fe-180 and Windows movie maker for the video. Music: Angus and Julia Stone - "Big Jet Plane")

Tervitus kõikidele tartlastele ja küpsis neile, kes ära arvavad, mis bussiga me sõitsime! :)

Do you have the courage to be a "First Follower?"

Sometimes, being a follower is being a leader, too.

I recently was shown a video that made this clear to me.

This video and the accompanying text creates a whole new perspective on leadership.  The video, forwarded from a friend, follows a seemingly crazy shirtless dancing man as he creates a swarm of fellow dancers, starting with one follower.  It champions the “first follower” as a leader in his own right.  The “first follower” turns the lone leader (sometimes seen as the “lone nut”) into something validated, something to be considered, and assures others that he or she is worth following.  While shot with a shaky camera and a bit political at the end (YOU CAN IGNORE THAT PART), the message of the importance of the “first follower” is clear.  That first person to take the plunge and embrace change is as much of a leader as the originator.  Because what would a leader be without followers?

Take the time to watch this video and read the description (otherwise, it won’t make sense).  And take this lesson to heart, because it took a crazy shirtless dancing man to teach society that those first followers are courageous, too.

As posted on Youtube:

"A leader needs the guts to stand alone and look ridiculous. But what he's doing is so simple, it's almost instructional. This is key. You must be easy to follow! Now comes the first follower with a crucial role: he publicly shows everyone how to follow. Notice the leader embraces him as an equal, so it's not about the leader anymore - it's about them, plural. Notice he's calling to his friends to join in. It takes guts to be a first follower! You stand out and brave ridicule, yourself.

Being a first follower is an under-appreciated form of leadership. The first follower transforms a lone nut into a leader. If the leader is the flint, the first follower is the spark that makes the fire. The 2nd follower is a turning point: it's proof the first has done well. Now it's not a lone nut, and it's not two nuts. Three is a crowd and a crowd is news. A movement must be public. Make sure outsiders see more than just the leader. Everyone needs to see the followers, because new followers emulate followers - not the leader.

Now here come 2 more, then 3 more. Now we've got momentum. This is the tipping point! Now we've got a movement! As more people jump in, it's no longer risky. If they were on the fence before, there's no reason not to join now. They won't be ridiculed, they won't stand out, and they will be part of the in-crowd, if they hurry. Over the next minute you'll see the rest who prefer to be part of the crowd, because eventually they'd be ridiculed for not joining.

And ladies and gentlemen that is how a movement is made! Let's recap what we learned:

If you are a version of the shirtless dancing guy, all alone, remember the importance of nurturing your first few followers as equals, making everything clearly about the movement, not you. Be public. Be easy to follow! But the biggest lesson here - did you catch it? Leadership is over-glorified.

Yes it started with the shirtless guy, and he'll get all the credit, but you saw what really happened: It was the first follower that transformed a lone nut into a leader.

There is no movement without the first follower.

We're told we all need to be leaders, but that would be really ineffective. The best way to make a movement, if you really care, is to courageously follow and show others how to follow. When you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first person to stand up and join in."

   So what do you think?  Do you agree with the value of the "first follower?" And do you have the courage to be one?

Post III in theTask Cycle® Series: Sustained Effort Compared to Fishing for River Monsters

“In its most literal sense, "sustain" means to hold up from beneath. Sustain comes from the root "to stretch." In Latin, sustain came to mean to hold, keep, maintain, to cause to endure or continue, to hold onto.”

Yet again, my blog posts are inspired by a brief encounter with late night TV. 

     I was brainstorming to come up with an analogy or concrete way to discuss sustained effort when images from last night’s episode of “River Monsters” kept popping into my head.  I was folding a small mountain of laundry when Animal Planet’s show about the ferocious fish lurking in seemingly friendly bodies of water came on.  And I kept it on.  Because who doesn’t love a good river monster?  Anyway, the show follows host Jeremy Wade on his hunt to find these aquatic creatures, and chronicle the struggle he faces every trip.  So while brainstorming stream-of-consciousness style, I kept writing about the difficulties of sustained effort mixed with flashes of river monsters.  And then it clicked.  Jeremy Wade’s exhausting hunt to find his “monsters” translates into our Task Cycle®—and here’s how:

Make sure you’ve identified the “monster”—The first two steps of the Task Cycle® include Establishing a Purpose and Laying the Foundation.  Making sure that we have these two steps complete and making absolutely sure we have identified our purpose and created a steady foundation for change is essential for all other steps in the Task Cycle®.  After all, Jeremy Wade wouldn’t dive into the Amazon just to see what he could find.  He always has a prey in mind—and sticks to it.

Ask for help from locals and experts—
When Wade gets to a new area, he interviews the experts on where to go.  We can take his advice and apply this to our sustained effort: make sure you ask for help from experts like leadership coaches, mentors, or trusted superiors to ensure you are headed in the right direction.

Continue upstream—It takes much more effort to head upstream that it does to float downstream.  Fighting the current—and the desire to simply float—exercises and builds “muscle” that will make your effort, over time, much easier.  Eventually, going upstream will be second nature, and you will be strong enough (in our case, mentally) not to even notice.

Push into the farthest and darkest reaches of your “jungle”—
In order to find and conquer these ferocious creatures, Wade often steps into the farthest reaches of foreign lands.  Luckily for us, we don’t have to actually travel anywhere to continue and sustain our journey.  What we need to do instead is to look at ourselves, and continually look at our development critically by asking, “What needs to continue to change? What underlying issues are still present?  Why do I react this way to certain situations?”  Exploring these internal issues—some which may be buried deep in your own internal processes— throughout your efforts at development will ensure a more complete change…without hacking through the Amazonian brush.

Fight—Wade wouldn’t have a show without a little bit of fish wrangling.  After all, the show is called “River Monsters,” not “Finding Nemo.”  We must approach our situation with the same attitude. We aren’t going to just have our development “jump into our boat;” we must have patience, use the right tools, and be prepared to pull back and forth as we wrestle with the task at hand.
    So don’t let go of the fishing pole, even when it seems like the easiest thing to do.  Sustain your hold on the issue, and don’t throw up your hands when things get difficult.  You may be annoyed with your coaches’ requests, doubting the effectiveness of personal development, or you could be tired of evaluating your strengths and weaknesses—there are many different reasons people give up.  But fighting for your own personal victory makes the end result that much sweeter, and can enhance your success in business and at home.

A Boss vs. a Leader

A great comparison between being a boss vs. being a true leader:

“The boss drives group members; the leader coaches them.
The boss depends upon authority; the leader on good will.
The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm.
The boss says ‘I’; the leader says ‘we.’
The boss assigns the task, the leader sets the pace.
The boss says, ‘Get there on time’; the leader gets there ahead of time.
The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown; the leader fixes the breakdown.
The boss knows how it is done; the leader shows how.
The boss makes work a drudgery; the leader makes it a game.
The boss says, ‘Go’; the leader says, ‘Let’s go.’“

– Author unknown
 Posted on Business Balls

So what are you?  Are you just a boss, or are you a leader?

Leadership Friday: Profile of a Leader-- George H. Hartford

Starting with this post, the third Friday of every month will be dedicated to profiling a great American leader.  We're starting with the founder of one of America's most iconic grocery stores.

In 1859, George Huntington Hartford, with the aid of George Gilman, founded The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company in New York.  A private man, he created what was once the largest grocer in the world, and sold more goods than any other company besides GM.  Time magazine wrote in 1950 that “of every dollar the U.S. spends on food, about 10¢ is passed over A & P counters—a massive yearly total of $2.9 billion.”

     Hartford was born in a small farming town in Augusta, Maine, and received little formal education. At age 18, he sailed to Boston, where he was hired as a dry goods clerk at a small grocery store.  While in Boston, Hartford met his future business partner George Gilman, who hired him to expand his leather company.  Instead of focusing on leather, Hartford and Gilman planned to import tea directly from China to sell it at lower-than-usual prices.  They cut out the “middle man” and used the import ships owned by Gilman’s father to sell tea for $.30 per lb rather than the market price of $1 per lb.  Hartford created his own tea called “Nectar” by mixing damaged boxes of green and black tea and selling it for far below prices of competitors.  Their innovation and ability to slash costs while still producing a quality product let to the formation of The Great American Tea Company, which later switched its name to the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company—more commonly known as A&P. 

     In 1878, Hartford was elected as mayor of the town of Orange, New Jersey.  By this time, the tea business was booming and Gilman had trumpeted news of his retirement.  Two years later, A&P started producing their own private label of goods, including baking soda and coffee, that followed the model of their tea and sold for low prices.  Not long after, in 1913 the first A&P grocery store was created.  This store was so successful that it put the other local stores out of business within 6 months.

     Hartford liked to run A&P as a small business even though it consistently brought in the most profits of any grocery store chain at the time.  He fired no one except for dishonesty or violence, and promoted workers exclusively from within the company.  He also instituted a generous pension plan without any pressure from outside sources.  Hartford also believed in helping those less fortunate:  after the Great Chicago fire of 1871, Hartford made sure to send food, supplies, and workers to aid in the city’s recovery effort. 

     Hartford’s empire now operates under the names A&P, Super Fresh, Path Mark, Food Basics, The Food Emporium, and Waldbaums.  Through his innovation and leadership, these companies still operate as grocery leaders today.

General McCrystal's Feedback Snafu

      Lying in bed this morning after hitting the snooze button about 4 times, I drifted in and out of sleep while half-listening to the Today Show.  This led to some strange dream incorporations where I was sitting with Al Roker in Des Moines, Iowa, while incessant showers of Charmin and Bounty paper products came pouring down on a struggling homeless shelter. 
      Al’s passing-of-the-baton to the news desk woke me from this strange half-sleep, and I began to actually listen to the breaking news on the latest White House controversy.  For those of you who may not know yet, war commander General Stanley A. McCrystal and company recently bashed President Obama to a journalist writing an article for Rolling Stone.  McCrystal, a man who carries engraved nunchucks and who once took his wife to a Jack-in-the-Box in her formal gown, was perhaps the most powerful man shaping the war policies in Afghanistan.  He is said to be rigid and to offer harsh criticism, and has strained relations with many top U.S. officials.  He has previously been at odds with the President: after calling VP Joe Biden “Short sighted” and saying his ideas would lead to a state of “Chaos-istan,” President Obama called for his presence at a private and curt meeting aboard Air Force One.  Soon after, McCrystal’s evaluation of the war in Iraq was leaked to the press, a move which critics say was meant to bully Obama into sending more troops overseas.  McCrystal’s aides also criticized Obama for not seeming to recognize “the guy who was going to run his…war” during a meeting right after Obama’s inauguration.
The Rolling Stones article made McCrystal out to be a kind of Army rock star, and follows his reluctant trip to France to persuade continued support for the war in Iraq.   It also included less-than-flattering comments about the president, the vice president, and key government officials by both McCrystal and his core group of aides.  After publication of the article, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said that the president was not at all pleased. McCrystal apologized and said that it was a “mistake reflecting poor judgment and never should have happened.”  Following a tense set of meetings, McCrystal was relieved of his command at 1:30 EST on June 23, and will be replaced after a list of candidates is developed by the Pentagon.
So what lessons can we learn from the out-of-favor general?
  • The biggest lesson is realizing that it was the matter in which the feedback was presented that got McCrystal fired.  Telling a national newspaper that your boss and his top aides are incompetent is a sure-fire way to lose favor in an organization—and possibly your job.  
  •  Remember: context is everything.  If you make a loose, offhanded remark, be prepared for it to come back and resurface at the most inopportune time.  Make sure the comment does not get taken out of context, and try your hardest to ensure that you explain the situation to your boss or coworker before they hear it from someone else. 
  • Comments and criticisms to both internal and external sources should be kept specific and without overly flamboyant language—i.e. not saying that you would rather be “beaten up” than go to dinner with coworkers. Instead, keep to concrete language and examples.
  • Feedback should be given privately.  Coworkers don’t need to know what your other coworkers think of you or your performance. In the daily workplace, this includes sitting around the office gossiping about Brad or Marie for their lack of initiative or their inability to communicate ideas. Don’t tell other people; tell the person the comment is directed towards.  It will help the individual improve, and will keep you out of trouble.

Explosive and public comments on someone’s job performance won’t end well for the giver or the receiver.  Lets take this as a lesson learned.

Tick to the tock!

Happy Midsummer Day everyone!

It's been so rainy these past few days, but lucky for me - yesterday was quite warm and sunny, so me and T'ri went to Variku forest and had a tiny photoshoot. Wearing my lovely ruffled floral dress and as you can see went a little crazy with the accessories. Enjoy!

(I used Canon EOS400D and 50mm lens for the pictures)

I also had a tiny feature in an article on the website It's in estonian, but if you're interested you can find it HERE.


Shoehunting with Annu is always fun, but this time.. it was actually successful! I found these lovely creatures from NS King with a reasonable price, so I'm oh-so very happy.As for the outfit, I was just wearing a simple black and white combination with my kitty print bag. Enjoy!

(I used CanonEOS 400D, 50 mm lens and Photoshop CS3 for the pictures)

Post II in the Task Cycle® Series: Laying a foundation

Welcome to our second entry in the Task Cycle ® series. If you missed last week, we talked about establishing a purpose, the critical first part in personal development.  This week, we’re tackling how to lay a foundation that will lend itself to future success.

What do you think of when you imagine a foundation?  I think of a house being built. I go back to when I was in second grade and my parents were building the house we live in now; the smell of wood and drywall, the feel of mud as it squished through my flip-flops, the loud sounds of drills and saws and heavy machinery that I was told to never touch.  I remember the builders laying the foundation of the house and how they had to wait until the rain subsided, how they dug a deep trench and carefully created the outline of what would one day be our house.  When I think of foundations, I think of the one that sprang up from a possibility, a goal, a dream.

In a way, “laying a foundation” is very similar to laying the foundation for a house.  First, you must have your plan in place: your purpose.  Only then can you begin to dig the deep trenches that will hold your foundation.

The DIY network provided a great tutorial on how to lay the foundation for a house.  We adapted this tutorial for our own use and applied it to leadership development:

Pick a place

In order to lay a foundation for your purpose, you must establish where this change is going to take place.  This could be a physical place, such as “at the office” or “while I am at home,” or it could be less tangible, such as “whenever I am angry and stressed” or “whenever I am with my kids.”  This will give you a “reminder” every time you are in the situation to be especially cautious of your actions, words, etc.

Get someone else’s opinion
You wouldn’t begin to build a house without the opinion of a contractor, inspector, an official— anyone who was knowledgeable about building a house.  In the same way, you should get someone who knows about you to contribute to establishing your purpose (we talked about this last week) as well as laying a stable foundation.  Make sure this person is skilled in problem-analysis, and can understand short- and long-term planning. Talk to this person.  Take them to lunch. Listen to what they have to say about you and your purpose.  Are trying to go too big at first?  Can you enlarge the scope of your foundation?  Discuss this with them, and address how you might adjust or improve it. 

Begin to “dig”
Dig deep.  This is more of a mental process, but it is essential to understand some things about you.  You could attack “digging” by addressing the 5WH questions:
Who am I talking about? (Usually yourself)
What do I need to improve?
When is a specific timeline that I can create to track my progress?
Where do I usually initiate this behavior?
Why do I usually act like this/what makes me act this way?
How can I address this behavior so I can improve?

Some of these questions seem simple, but attacking them in a standard order makes sure nothing gets left out.  Also, sometimes it is enlightening to address problems in this way; you might realize some seemingly obvious information you didn’t before!

Block off potential problems before they start
We all have them in our lives: Negative Nellies/Normans.  These are the people that drag us down, the people who tell us we can’t do it, or even the little voice in the back of our head that tells us our work will go unrewarded.  They are the coworkers that stand around and bash the attempts of others, or the moms on the sidelines at the soccer game who never fail to present the latest harmful gossip.  These people are not good for your mental health, and honestly not good for their own health, either.  These things nourish the negative thoughts and feelings that will seep in through the cracks to damage the foundation you so carefully laid.  So silence the naysayers, pull the plug on the “little voice’s” microphone, and seal out negative.  Change can happen, and will happen if you approach it correctly and with the right attitude.

Establishing a firm foundation is not only a key part of the Task Cycle®, but also a key life skill that will allow you to create achievable and meaningful goals that will drive personal development.

Have fun with TV in a restaurant

In these days people are choosing high quality restaurant equipped with TV over the other restaurant as they are getting something extra other than the food. Installation of TV sets in restaurant is good way to rope more customers. Restaurant business is all about tasty food, customer service, cleanness and entertainment. TV can be a good companion for your valuable customers in restaurant. With the help of High quality TV you can entertain your customers and at the same time give your business a plus point over the other restaurateur’s competitors. With the help of this valuable service your customers can see exclusive packages for great entertainment to their favourite channels without any interruption.

Along with great entertaining options for the customers, this service offers the most advanced entertainment technology called High definition TV or HD TV which gives your customers a higher resolution picture and higher quality sound that brings the action right into their seat while enjoying the taste of their favourite foods.

With the help of Dish TV connection at your restaurant, the customers will have a great time watching their favourite sports programmes. It will also shorten the customer’s precious waiting time. With the help of advanced technology of Direct TV you will definitely get more customers in your restaurant. In these days people are choosing high quality restaurant equipped with TV over the other restaurant as they are getting something extra other than the food. TV sets a good ambiance in a restaurant and that environment can rope in more customers.

Mobile Game - Game Power On Your Hand

Leadership--Or lack thereof-- In the BP oil spill...and what we can learn from it

 By now, news of the BP oil spill crisis has managed to permeate every major media outlet in the United States, and for a good reason.  We are currently dealing with one of the most devastating ecological disasters of the last 100 years, and there seems to be no end in sight.  BP’s ill attempts at handling the situation have faltered on every front, from its slow public response, to actually stopping the spill, to constantly downplaying the scope of the problem.  What could have been done differently?  What should the “leaders” at the helm of the crisis do next?

Admit mistakes—Full disclosure is the key in such a large-scale crisis.  We know what happened; you are at fault.  It doesn’t help anyone or anything to speculate the causes or potential issues caused by the environment, the workers, or technology.  In situations like this, the overarching organization takes the blame. 
In BP’s case, Tony Hayward, CEO, told the BBC that even though they reaped the benefits from their rented rig, “This was not our accident … This was not our drilling rig. This was not our equipment. It was not our people, our systems or our processes. This was Transocean’s rig. Their systems. Their people. Their equipment.”  Even with revelations that point to the lack of crucial safety devices, BP’s resistance to follow government safety protocol, and permit violations, Hayward still maintains that this was not BP’s fault…which just makes everyone angrier.

Don’t run away—In the same vein as admitting responsibility for mistakes, BP cannot simply run away from the problem.  The choice to avoid responding to the crisis is comparable to a borrower “ignoring” calls and bills from debt collectors; eventually, the bills will add up, and someone has to pay for it.  Admittedly, this disaster is a PR nightmare, but a company such as BP should have an effective plan of action in place in case of such an emergency.  In a time of 24-hour news cycles and instant information, more than a day is too much for responding to any sort of crisis.

Be sensitive—People have lost their lives, family members, and livelihoods because of this oil crisis.  Billy Anderson, father of victim Jason Anderson, lost a son when the oil rig ruptured.  Local businesses, some generations old, are closing for the season or scrambling to find ways to deal with the potential losses accrued by the spill.  The world is watching and listening closely to everything BP does and says—which means there is no room for slip-ups. 
Hayward made such a blunder when he said, “We're sorry for the massive disruption it's caused their lives. There's no one who wants this over more than I do. I would like my life back.”  Such a remark, meant to convey the fact that he too is affected adversely by the spill, came off as insensitive, selfish, and heartless.  Even under great emotional stress, company officials must make sure they are aware of the subliminal tones behind any public (or private) remarks.

Learn from your mistakes—This is not the first time that BP has faced a crisis in the United States.  In 1999, BP was fined $22 million for dumping hazardous wastes on the North Alaska Slope.  In 2005, BP’s Texas City refinery exploded, causing 15 deaths and more than 180 injuries. BP was blamed for mismanagement of the plant, and OSHA said they found "organizational and safety deficiencies at all levels of the BP Corporation.”  The list continues on, but the point is clear: BP failed to learn from its mistakes in mismanagement and bad leadership.  Instead of hiding from the past, companies must face previous mistakes as a challenge that must be overcome and corrected.  Even if future mistakes cannot be totally prevented, they can at least be handled in the best way possible. 

BP has a long way to go.  They are attempting to correct their mistakes, but the situation would have been much less disastrous if BP leaders had managed their subordinates properly and created receptive lines of communication.  Instead, BP’s leaders are floundering around and hoping for an easy way out, while their low-level employees are caught helplessly in a vicious cycle of blame from neighbors and friends.


So what is a leader, anyway?

What is a Leader, anyway?

Leaders impact our daily lives and futures. In good times and bad, there is always a need for strong leadership. The success of a business or an industry is determined by the leaders it chooses or inherits.
--USA Today
Leadership.  It is a term thrown around like plastic beads at Marti Gras.  But what does it actually mean to be a leader?  What is the difference between a good leader and a bad one? An effective leader and one who fails?  At TBC, we are in the business of personal and leadership development.  As one of the first posts in our new social media initiative, we think it important to explore the true meaning of a leader. defines a leader as “one who leads—” a statement of the obvious.  Merriam-Webster offers the same definition., a lesser-known niche version of the tried-and-true dictionaries, provides a more telling definition: 
“Someone who has the ability to inspire others to achieve tasks and goals that they might not otherwise be capable of reaching.”

Finally, the Macmillan Dictionary offers the definition:
 “Someone who is responsible for or in control of a group, organization, country, etc.”

Finding most of these definitions unsatisfactory to the true meaning of a leader, we have combined them to create a definition of our own.  Our definition of a true leader is:

Someone who is responsible for or oversees of a group of people, who has the ability to inspire others to achieve tasks and goals they might not have otherwise been capable of reaching, and who can create positive change in a situation.

Lets dissect this statement piece by piece:

Someone who is responsible for:  If you are responsible for anything, you have a huge imperative to act morally and with character.

or oversees: Even though you may be in the driver’s seat, a true leader knows that he or she is never totally in control.  Overseeing ensures that you give your subordinates your confidence without completely leaving them on their own.

a group of people: These people should be just as important as (or even more important than) your superiors.  In an office situation, the relationship you have with your subordinates or group members can make or break a sale, job, or your image.  It is important to have an open relationship with those you lead, and to make ample room for their feedback on your performance.

who has the ability to inspire others to achieve tasks and goals they might not have otherwise been capable of reaching:  The ability to inspire others is what differentiates a “leader” from a “great leader.”  For example, Martin Luther King Jr. inspired a nation to fight against an unfair racial system; Mahatma Gandhi inspired politicians like Barack Obama along with celebrities like Matt Damon by using his peaceful tactics of civil disobedience to foster change; and Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin (whichever you prefer) inspired millions of little girls across the globe that they too, could run for office. 
Sometimes, leaders have to be the first.  They must light the trail, shatter the glass ceiling, or face persecution for their beliefs.  But a true leader will not balk at the thought of going against the grain; instead, he or she will understand that their hard work will aid those they are responsible for. 

and who can create positive change in a situation: This is perhaps the most important part of leadership.  True leaders contribute to positive mechanisms of change while disregarding the negative.  A leader must have control of a situation and not allow it to control his or her own emotions, as this almost always results in a negative outcome.  Inciting fear or anger does not create a healthy environment.  By creating a positive change, leaders not only help others, but they help themselves.

It takes a great deal of effort to be a good leader, and even more to be a great leader.  It takes a lot of personal development, asking those around you what you can do better, and dismissing of the ego to become the "great" leader trapped inside of you.  But the best thing is that you are totally capable of doing it. The question is, Are you ready?

Summer favourites!

Here are some of my favourite itmes for the summer. As you can see I'm obsessed with sheer creamy fabrics, still a big fan of ruffles and l-l-loving florals! Perhaps this inspires some of you, enjoy!

Floral dress - Sixtina / Wolf tee - NewYorker

Green ruffled tunic - Anni made it / White polka-dotted shirt - Lindex(??)
Creamy ruffled dress - Lindex / Sheer lace blouse - I got it two years ago, but I can't remember where.
Straw hats, flowers, bows and soft curls .
Rhubarb pie and garden parties. yum!
the essentials : Annu and my camera.
(For the pictures I used CanonEOS 400D, 50mm lens and PhotoshopCS3)

Feist - Feel it all.

She had problems with drinking milk and being school tardy.

So me and Annu were cruising around town the other day, had coffee and did a little window-shopping. Was fun. And the drawing was a birthday present to a friend, who turned 20 last Thursday.
I'm sorry that I've been a bit of a slacker on the posting part, but I've been very busy these past few days, and I'm going to be even more of a busy-bee in the future, because I'm planning on opening an Etsy store where I'm going to sell my drawings, paintings, and tote-bag designs. So work-work-work for me. Enjoy!

(I used CanonEOS 400D,50mm lens and PhotoshopCS3 for the photos!/ 2b,6b pencil for the drawing)

Kings of Leon - Milk

Post I in the Task Cycle® Series: Establish a Purpose, Already!

    Today, we begin the first in a weekly series of posts discussing the Task Cycle® theory.  What exactly is the Task Cycle theory, you may be asking?  It is the underpinning of all of the surveys administered by The Booth Company, and it draws upon theories of learning, cognition, and motivation.  For example, each person in an organization is supposed to achieve goals set forth by his or her position.  In any role, a person must complete a series of tasks, which follow a logical series of steps.  These steps are what we have come to call the Task Cycle®

In every task, there are six steps (see diagram):
1.    Establish a purpose
2.    Lay the foundation
3.    Continue a sustained effort from a variety of resources
4.    Obtain feedback
5.    Monitor and adjust the process
6.    Reinforce performance of other contributors once you have achieved your goal

This weekly series will cover one section of the Task Cycle
® at a time.  This week, we begin with a simple question:  How does one establish a purpose?

Not so simple, is it?

According to some philosophers and great thinkers, purpose is essential to a human’s life.  Helen Keller wrote, “Happiness comes from fidelity to a worthy purpose.”  The medieval Catholic monk Thomas Kempis said that, “life without purpose is a languid, drifting thing; every day we ought to review our purpose.” Finally, Washington Irving acknowledged the importance of purpose when he said, “Great minds have purposes, others have wishes.”  Clearly, having a purpose is essential to the human condition.

So how does one establish a purpose?  

  • Figure out what needs to change.  In order to start the task cycle, there needs to be a task.  What needs to change in your life?  In your work place? In your relationships with others? Sometimes, it is easy to identify problem areas or skill areas where you may falter.  Other times, it may take an outside eye.  This could come in the form of co-workers, family members, or superiors, and can take the form of an informal talk or a 360 survey.
  • Understand your environment: One way to explore what needs to change is by understanding your life or work environment.  Understanding your family, your industry, or your organization and its products/services can ensure that your purpose is aiming accurately.  Make sure you explore materials like books, websites, “eccentric” thinkers, (we like to think of them as “visionaries”) or industry journals.  Listen to advice from those known to have good ideas, and keep current on relevant news and trends.
  • Create a positive purpose.  For example, “Improving my skills as a leader” is much different than “Not sucking as a manager.”  Stay positive! 
  • Be realistic.  Your purpose must fit your life and your industry.  It won’t do anything except frustrate you to establish a purpose that cannot be fulfilled.  Dream big, but within reason.  
  • Write it down. Putting anything in writing makes it that much more real.  When something is written, you are more likely to remember it and take it seriously.  And don’t just write it; write it in detail. 
  • Think about it.  Make sure you take the time every day to think over your purpose.  How will you work to achieve it today?  What obstacles could get in your way?  How will you overcome these obstacles?  It is vital to think about or discuss how your everyday activities relate to your overall purpose. 
  • Involve someone else. Involving others—be they family members or workplace team members— in setting your purpose as well as ensuring its execution can build trust and develop team building skills. It can be easy to ignore your purpose, but when someone else is there to cheer you on in the good times and push you during the bad, you will be much more likely to stick with it.
          Imagine that you are running a race.  You can hear the wild chanting of the masses of cheering fans on the sidelines and can practically feel their energy flowing through your veins.  Even though you have blisters the size of quarters and can barely put one foot in front of the other, you draw on their energy and positivity to dash across the finish line.  Now, imagine that you are running the same race—alone.  You are tired, sore, and struggling to finish.  How much harder is it to complete the race when you are alone versus when you have encouragement?  This someone could be a friend, a mentor, or a leadership coach; anyone that will keep you on the road to achieving your purpose.
Establishing a purpose is one of the foundations of the Task Cycle® theory.  Without a purpose, there is no way to continue your journey of self-development.  So take your time, talk to someone who can help, and create a meaningful and attainable purpose.  It will be worth it.

Update (6/28/2010)-- Here's another article written about finding your purpose  from Career Rocketeer for some extra reading.

Article Summary and Reflection: “Ouch, that’s some earsplitting feedback”

Everyone has their own feelings on feedback. Some people look at feedback as a gut-wrenching and nerve-wracking experience, while others embrace it as an opportunity to improve. Whether you love it or hate it, most people do agree that it is necessary. Suzanne Rumsey, former HR professional-turned-consultant, offers some interesting thoughts and tips on feedback in her post on the Fistful of Talent blog. Here’s a summary of her major points, intermixed with some of the feedback from readers:

  • Most of your workforce sees feedback as negative—if it were positive, it would be called “praise.” People don’t always like giving it; people don’t always like receiving it. The only way people get through giving/getting feedback is by saying that it “for their own good.” But in reality, “impact trumps intent – always. If the recipient negatively experiences the feedback, they aren’t going to care a wit about the giver’s intentions.” So make sure your impact is a positive one.
  • Stick to observations and describe what you saw, heard, or read. For example, you could point out that you saw how Joe made a face at Jane when she proposed an office-wide recycling competition. Being specific and describing what you saw gives realistic feedback in a concrete example that can be changed.
  • Avoid negatively charged words when describing your co-workers’/bosses’/etc. actions. Words like “ignorant,” “arrogant,” or “lazy” set off emotional responses and can create a defensive response. This means that 1.) The receiver will shut down and will not absorb your feedback, or 2.) The receiver will not know how to correct the behavior (given as an adjective) and will be unwilling to put themselves in a similar situation again. So stick with words that aren’t loaded. Or, just leave out adjectives all together: stick with just the facts, a.k.a. your observations (see above).
  • Avoid euphemisms: This has to be my favorite tip. Don’t use abstract language when describing their performance (Rumsey uses the example “Sold beyond the close”—what does this mean to someone who has no sales experience?). Instead, use concrete language that provides specific behaviors that can be corrected or changed.
  • One reader suggested the “3W” method:
    What: What we’re talking about—a concrete example

    Why: Why this is important

    Wait: Be quiet and listen to what they have to say. Wait as long as you need to, even if it is uncomfortable to you. They are already uncomfortable; it’s the least you can do.

Overall, Rumsey and those who commented recommend one underlying theme: concrete examples. The best way to give feedback is to provide specific examples of behavior, minus the flowery language, that can be changed. So the next time you give feedback, hang up your Shakespeare hat; instead, get straight to the point.

when your heart is an empty room, with walls of the deepest blue.

To me nothing says summer more than my favourite blue dress, polka dots and Death Cab. Ah how lovelovelove Ben Gibbard's amazing voice.. and don't even let me get started on the lyrics. So overall it's been a useless couple of days, long days at school, the usual. But do enjoy!

 (I used CanonEOS 400D and 50mm lens for the pictures)

Death Cab For Cutie - Your Heart Is An Empty Room

Search Results

<div id="cse-search-results"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var googleSearchIframeName = "cse-search-results";
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  var googleSearchFrameWidth = 800;
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  var googleSearchPath = "/cse";
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Art School nerds !

Just some random pictures I took last week. I've passed all of my evaluations and exams so yay for me! But I still got a few days of school left..  I can do it.. right ?
(I used CanonEOS 400D, 50mm lens and Photoshop CS3 for the pictures)

Uninstall Vista Defender Pro - How To Uninstall Vista Defender Pro

How to remove Vista Defender Pro?

Do you have to uninstall Vista Defender Pro or just a part of their program? If yes, then we will tell you how to do this by only performing four easy to do steps. This way you will be able to uninstall and uninstall the Vista Defender Pro.

Okay, let's move on to the steps you must take.

What is Vista Defender Pro?

Vista Defender Pro, short for malicious software is software designed to invade or destroy computer system without the user knowing. Vista Defender Pro normally processes with many harmful and unwanted bugs and bring plenty of nuisances for computer users, such as changing your homepage automatically monitor your web browsing, keep poping up while surfing the Web or make your PC run much slower than before. To retrieve your enjoyable computer experience, find out how to remove Vista Defender Pro from your PC altogether.

How to uninstall Vista Defender Pro

1) Go to Start, then click the Settings tab.

2) Click Control Panel. Download Vista Defender Pro Removal tools:

3) Now you'll find the Add / Remove Programs, and double click it.

4) When you are there you simply have to select the program and click Uninstall. It can display a confirm button, simply click the uninstall again, and elimination begins.

In most cases, the uninstall process go very smoothly. But, and maybe it happened to you also, sometimes it simply does not help to get Vista Defender Pro uninstalled. In this case there really is one more option that you can perform ...

Using an Uninstaller Software to uninstall Vista Defender Pro

If uninstall does not work, then you only got one option left to get Vista Defender Pro uninstalled ... Using an uninstaller software ... A great software called "UninstallerQuick". This program will help you to uninstall a program or application you want to perform these three traits.

Firstly, uninstallerquick uninstall program. Once done, it will scan the registry to find any files that are returned by the program. When it is finished, the uninstaller scan your hard drive to find any left over files from the Vista Defender Pro.

This is how this program works. Why do not you take a look at this program? Visits:

So to uninstall Vista Defender Pro from your computer, you should perform these four easy to do steps. If these steps do not work, so your only option is to get an uninstaller software.

What To Look For In A Blog Software Comparison

When you're ready to put your business on the Internet and start blogging, it's always a good idea for you to do a blog software compared to find out what's available out there. Some of these blogs will be put directly on your servers and others will be used remotely on blogging servers. Whichever way you plan to use it, you should ensure that it has the basics that will help you, not only to use it effectively at the back end, but also to give your readers an experience that they will enjoy . When you make the blog software comparison, choose from some of the more popular blogs that are available. For example, Movable Wordpress, Blogware, Type, Type Pad should and Blogger all taken into account. There may be other software available out there that you want to look at, but for the most part, these blog services and software give you all the options you need, depending on what you choose. Some of the most fundamental parts of the blog include functionality on the back end and front end. For example, you should not only be able to post your information on the blog, you also give your users to post comments. This will not only give you valuable feedback on what you say, but it will also add additional text to the blog, which is great to be listed in search engines. All blogs that were mentioned above have this functionality built in. Some other things to look for is whether an RSS feed is included in the blog. You should also have categories and subcategories and a search function must be included. Finally you should ensure that the blog will actively pinging blog services to ensure that what you do get full recognition. There are a number of other extra things that could be considered when you make a blog software comparison. For example, allowing some blogs and photo galleries will also provide static pages that are not actually included as part of the blog. Many blogs also have extra addons that can be used to fight spam and to enhance the experience as a whole.

Teach you to know about the Lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion battery has the following advantages, such as:

1. Long life cycles may reach 500 times more than 1000 times

2. Security

3. Performance is good, pollution-free, no memory effect ion - in the past.

4. Self-discharge

5. Can be quick recharging

6. Working temperature range, high temperature - 25 ~ 45 ° C, electrolyte and positive, it expects to expand Improvement - 40 ~ 70 ° C.

Future of lifepo4 / positive applied to electric cars can charge such as gas, interim general convenience.

At the same time pack of lithium-ion batteries are also some disadvantages, such as:

1. Battery higher costs.

2. High ambient temperature can cause the battery to overheat, fire and other safety hazards.

It is reported that the 20th May 2005 Hewlett-Packard announced that it will extend laptop battery recall program in global reach. The six paragraphs 6 notebook with lithium battery products that belong to HP Compaq series to be recalled. The models, the HP 6510b, HP 6515b, HP 6710b, HP 6710s, HP 6715s, HP 6715s. so this type of lithium-ion batteries were manufactured in 2007 and 2008. But some of those defective lithium-ion batteries less than 3%.

It is a big problem that how to protect battery and prolong its life. People always used many misconceptions, such as:

Error 1: laptops to buy back again to activate the battery is charging and discharging three times

Error 2: the first charge should be charged enough for 12 hours

Error 3: The battery must be periodically correction once a month was totally

Error 4: The calibration error can climb battery capacity

Error 5: compatible charger can also use

Error 6: full battery-electric (or need) to save electric light

Error 7: battery and errors can still change the fundamental

Error 8: 99% misconception remains less than 100% charged rechargeable would explode.

Here we provide you with the protection of laptop battery and precautions.

About laptop batteries warns:

1. During charging, do not pull down power converter.

2. Do not use this machine on battery.

3. If you use a laptop computer is first, or you long time no one uses it (three weeks or longer) must be completely filled with electricity after discharge battery full power to recover.

4. Whether the batteries in the computer self-discharge phenomenon (day, depending on the different models around 1% a little different).

5. If the computer for a long time without use (more than three weeks), suggests that you pull a battery, battery separately store.

6. For lithium ion batteries, environmental damage will also have some risk. Please do not discard.

7. if the battery can take a long time but has no electricity (battery to prevent over-discharge battery, battery cause damage), how much depending on the length of time accumulator, which for a long time, the battery is some more of the rechargeable battery in power is to prevent the long time storage cause excessive emissions.

Notebook batteries used for more than a year that it is necessary to remove memory effects:

1. Computer is connected to the remote switch, fees and charges for 6 ~ 8 hours.

2. The full charge later. When the screen "Press F2 for setup, press F2] [enter the BIOS setup program and let it stop computers.

3. Unplug the power supply must constantly open up the computer racks and closures.

4. Connected to the power supply to batteries.

5. Battery power and light.

6. Above steps again and again 2-3 times, removing a portion extend battery memory effects.

Top 10 Tips to increase your Internet browsing speed

Internet becomes more and more important for nearly everyone, since it is one of the newest and most forward-thinking media and communications medium for the future.

Many people say they are using high speed internet broadband connection, but still they suffer from slow Internet browsing speed. There may be many reasons for slow internet browsing speed some of the common are viruses, spyware and adware, although at times it may be possible internet settings of your computer is not correct. Here are some steps that will guide you and help increase your browsing speed.

Step 1: Install antivirus software and scan your computer every day, be sure your antivirus should be fully updated while scanning the computer.

Step 2: Scan your computer with a good Adware Removal Tool program. Adware are software applications where advertising banners are displayed and are installed without user intervention, while browsing the Internet or some of the most vulnerable sites.

Step 3: Use a good spyware removal software and scan your computer regularly. Spyware is a type of malicious software (malware) that collects information from your computer, in other words, stole your content and data without your consent.

Step 4: Set timing to optimize your Internet Explorer. Usually includes the practice to clean your temp folder after every five days. During browsing thousands of temporary files, cookies are stored here that slows your browser.

Follow the steps to do this

Open Internet Explorer and click Tools> Internet Option> here you can delete the temporary files and cookies and browsing history.

If you do not want to keep the URL history than you can set the value "0" in the history box in Internet Options.

Step 5: Set Internet security settings default. Open Internet Explorer> Tools> Internet Options> Switch Security tab, and set the standard.

Step 6: Add-ons that are not verified just disable them. Add-on is a program that extends the capabilities of your internet browser. Prevent them getting the maximum of your system resources. Open Internet Explorer> Tools> Select Manage Add-ons.

Step 7: If you use the wireless connection just disable the Background Intelligent Transfer Service. If you disable this your connection will increase and drive smoothly.

Step 8: Go to Advance tab in Internet Options and turn off the TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption option. To fix LAN problems with some secure pages turn on SSL 2.0 (Secure Sockets Layer) feature and click the OK button to close it.

Step 9: Update your Internet browser when ever updates coming.

Step 10: Just go through the above steps will help you much with your browsing experience ..