Nampa - in 1943, as World War II Raged in Europe, Pilots of the Royal Air Force (Raf) Conducted During Raids Targeting Nazi Germany's Largest Dams in an attempt to hasten an end to the conflict. This Saturday to learn about the heroic "dambusters" when the idaho British Car club returns to varhavk air museum. You will hear from World War II history expert Brian konnington as the British Flo 617 Squadron of Lancaster bombers into the heart of Germany in an attempt to cripple the Nazi's main source of Electrical power. "The last three years I 've Talked about the Battle of Britain," konnington said. "We 've Changed Things around and I am Going to talk about the dambuster Rides. Effektiveli, the British did you seek in a way to shorten the war and one way to do that was to attack the source of Hydroelectric power." Konnington said an Inventor by the name of Barnett Wallace make work in a way that if a bomb has Placed on the side of things it can Potentially blow it up. "He make work a way to bounce the very large bomb on the water and drop it just Onto the Dam. You buy to do at night at around 60 feet." Konnington said the Treacherous Missions cost the Lives of Hundreds of brave Rough Airmen. "About 40 percent of those Involved has not come back from the raid."
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